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It has been a little over thirty-two years since God reached down to Atlanta, Georgia, and transplanted my son and me to Philadelphia, PA for three years. Now, looking back over time, these plans had to be a part of our Father's agenda. It was in Georgia Missions Ministry's tenth-year newsletter that I recorded the following:


“I've Come This Far By Faith”

“I Can Take It; I Can Do All


“My Hope Is In The Lord”

Things through Christ Jesus”


“My God Is Awesome”


“Stay Focused On The Lord”


Georgia Missions Started


“Reaching The Whosoever”

1996 Continuation of John 3:16

Twenty-nine years later, God's plans for Georgia Missions Ministry are still in place. Completing the Eason Serenity House will add to the next stage of ministry in both mentoring and training the Whosoever of John 3:16. Its goal will be to focus on encouraging those reached to live a balanced Christian life and that they, in turn, will be able to train others, II Timothy 2:2.

The Eason Serenity House is still in the works. This is the sixth year of God working on this master plan and me, His missionary. If God has burdened your heart to get involved, please don't delay. If God is leading you to do so, IT'S NOT TOO LATE. Materials, volunteers, trained workers, and finances are still needed during these difficult times. Please take note of the next focal area of construction needed to be successfully completed. An estimated amount of $20,000 is needed, which includes interior doors, plywood, trim, cabinets, countertops, painting, plumbing, etc. I've grown so much within these last six years.

Sometimes, I find myself trying to draw encouragement and wisdom from God's chosen builders in the Old Testament. The dedication, commitment, and determination to obey God, regardless of the odds, always fascinated me as His child. Does “ALL THINGS” really mean that in Philippians 4:13?


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Georgia Missions Ministry
P.O. Box 1536
Red Oak, GA 30272


(404) 687-0995

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This Ministry is 501 (c)(3) tax-deductible

© 2022 by GA Missions Ministry Inc. 

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