Eason Serenity House
Building A New Place Of Dreams
The vision of this EASON SERENITY HOUSE will serve as the vehicle to help transform the lives of growing Christians. Phase one will serve a two-fold purpose. First, it will provide a much-needed home base for Georgia Missions Ministry and its director, Missionary Annette E. Smith. Second, the ministry's day-to-day operation, office work, storage, outreach, planning, and meetings will take place at this facility. Cultivating the land, in partnership with others, will help to serve the local community by providing them with home-grown vegetables and most importantly, the Gospel. Doors will also be open for missionaries and Christian workers passing through the area.
Phase two of the home will meet the needs of the ministry through weekly housing mentors and the mentees for their spiritual and all-rounded basic growth as young Christians. This missionary home in the South, will bring a fresh new insight for young Christians toward the need of a well-rounded life for their success in Christ and the world.
Park & Pray
Lets adhere to God's word by Paul in I Thessalonians 5:18 "Pray without ceasing".
Finding a cause worthy to pray for is an honorable thing in these dark days when difficult times, sickness, and death are present everywhere. One way to carry out God's desire is by parking at a chosen location regularly to pray. This action has proven to be a great successful way to love others. Schools, neighborhoods, hospitals, church grounds, and other locations are all places that one can cover in prayer. One of Georgia Missions Ministry's aim is to encourage others to do the same by choosing a regular Park and Pray location.
Tract Ministry
Sharing The Gospel Of Jesus Christ
Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the printed Word during this time of Covid and many other diseases is a necessity. Tracts can be used in many different ways and in places that Christians may not have access. Lets be encouraged and continue to do what has worked over the years. Georgia Missions has successfully distributed tracts with the intention of winning many to the truths found in the Bible, God's word.