Welcome to Georgia Missions Ministry
A Ministry geared toward training in the fundamental doctrines of the Faith.

Sharing God's truth with others. Teaching the basic tenets of Biblical truth to help grow and develop the believer's life for every day living. Encouraging all teachable ages to be their best in ways that they can serve. Winning souls from every background, ethnicity, economic conditions, etc. Helping others to receive the greatest gift ever, John 3:16 & Romans 10:9 &10.

To reach young Christians of various ages through training and mentoring, helping them to become well rounded future leaders.

To use senior Christians, with their educational knowledge and skills, to train and mentor in every phase of life to help develop sound mature Christians.
Reaching The Southern States
Serving Since 1993

A list to remember
in praise and prayer:
We always desire to give God the honor, glory and praise for all of our accomplishments.
Remember to pray for those without Christ in their lives. Pray also for hospitals and schools.
Pray for the completion of the Eason Serenity House before the end of 2023. Thank you.